Sunday, June 26, 2011

Le Diner

Hey girls it's Sunday!
If I were to have a dinner with a famous person. t'would be either Alton Brown or JK Rowling.
Alton Brown was chosen because he cooks really good food. He would cook the dinner while teaching me how to cook and then we would talk and stuff and I would be a Happy Katie.
If JK Rowling were to have dinner with me I would freak out the entire time and then probably sing the MOOSE song and then she would leave in confusion.
Therefore Alton Brown wins.

On a more serious note, I want to talk about the recent tragedy with a classmate of mine named Austin Hatch. When I first moved to Canterbury in third grade he was probably the first person I was rather familiar with. Not because we were friends. We weren't. We never spoke and I don't think he knew who I was. But within the first month of school we had circle time in our class rooms and we learned about how Austin Hatch's mother and his elder sister died in a plane crash. This affected me a lot. This was my first real experience with death. It was horrible and even thought I really didn't know Austin, I felt like I did because of it. Yesterday it was announced that Austin Hatch, his dad, and his stepmother were in a plane crash. His parents were killed and he is now in the hospital in critical condition.

I thought about how such a horrible thing happened to this nice, hard working, and smart student twice. I tried to think about how he felt. I couldn't imagine it. I couldn't imagine losing four of the closest people in your life in such a short time span. I checked facebook and there were all these posts about prayers for Austin. My dad in fact just told me to pray for Austin. But I couldn't (I don't really believe in prayer). I had no idea what to say. I still don't. This tragedy in addition to Carter's death earlier this spring made me think If any of my close friends died let alone my parents and brother I don't think I could even function.

I know Austin will pull through and I admire him for this. I want to support him in any way I can, but I don't see how I can. For now, I will keep him in my thoughts and hope for the best.

Well that wasn't depressing at all.
Less than Three,

 Katie Z

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