Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I have a deep and unrelenting love for...

Hey bloggers, it's Tuesday! I was going to be totally unoriginal and say that my guilty pleasure was Youtube and then go on a rant about still not having high speed internet and thus not being able to obsess over the Youtube videos I usually do. But I figured that would be lame... so, instead I'm gonna talk about books. Because that is totally original *sarcasm*. 

I think I mentioned it on this blog but I'm not sure, so I'll say it again or possibly for the first time, I'm in college studying to be a librarian. So... I love books, a lot. I don't own that many, well, I own considerably more than some people, but I don't have an epic room filled only of books (although that would be awesome). Mostly I go to the library a lot (which again, is totally original for a future librarian) or I treat Barnes and Noble as a library (not in the taking books from Barnes and Noble without paying way, in the sitting in Barnes and Noble while I finish a book way). And in the past week of not having high speed internet, I've been going to those to places even more (partly because I'm bored and partly because they have free wifi) (I didn't actually realize this was going to come back to the no high speed thing, but my mind always seems to circle back to that). 

What else can I tell you about my guilty pleasure... ooo, some of my favorites! 
1. Harry Potter, duh. 
2. The Book Thief 
3. Going Bovine
4. I am the Universe
5. Miss. Brill
6. The Catcher in the Rye
7. Of Mice and Men (the only book I'll ever read with that god-for-shaken creature in the title. 
8. Hamlet (although, I only started being obsessed with it after I saw the play)
9. Let it Snow (namely, Maureen's story, but I love them all). 
10. Blue is for Nightmares (and the other three books in the series). 

*checks list* Yeah, I think that's pretty accurate. Anyways, Emily, I'll read you tomorrow. 


Currently reading: I'm going to the library as soon as I post this, so we'll see. 
Currently listening to: The sound of a dialysis machine (my Dad's a home dialysis patient). 

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